Services Provided
✓ Hardware Configuration
✓ IP Address Refresh
✓ DNS Registration Change
✓ DMVPN Circuits Implementation
✓ Secondary Connectivity Provision
✓ Facilities Management
✓ United Kingdom
Systal Success Stories: How a leading facilities manager increased data centre connectivity, resiliency, and network security by seamlessly switching data centre ISP:
Building MPLS Resiliency with Failover Connectivity
Our customer, a global business in the facilities management industry, needed to change their Internet Service Provider (ISP) for their data centre circuit.
As part of changing the contract the customer needed to change their public IP range, as the existing ISP owned the range currently in use. The customer wanted to add resiliency to their MPLS solution, to ensure key sites had failover connectivity in the event of a service disruption.
How did Systal help?
✓ Full Network Estate Audit: Systal partnered with the customer from the commencement of the project, conducting a full audit of the network estate to identify any issues which might arise as part of the change. During this audit, multiple redundant Site-to Site-VPN connections were identified. Systal supported the customer to close these down, increasing network security.
✓ DMVPN Circuits Implementation: Systal supported the implementation of multiple DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN) circuits. This provided the customer with improved resiliency for their data centre connectivity in the event of the primary MPLS solution failing, enhancing the recoverability of secure networks for the customer sites. Full failover and failback tests were conducted for each site as the DMVPN was implemented to prove the solution.
✓ RIPE Application: Systal supported the customer through their Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE) application for a new /24 public IP range and allocated the new IPs across the estate once received.
✓ DNS Registration Migration: We supported the migration of DNS registration from the old ISP into the customer’s preferred internally managed solution. This gave the customer autonomy over their DNS management, reducing lead time for changes and flexibility to future changing business.
✓ Router Assessment: Systal assessed the routers onsite at the various customer locations, ensuring the right hardware was in place to support the user numbers at each location. As part of this review, routers were reconfigured and dispatched to alternative sites to avoid unnecessary new hardware purchases for our customer.
✓ Single Change Window Cutover: The final cutover to the new ISP was completed in a single change window. Systal engineers worked alongside business testers, old and new ISPs, and the customer Project Manager to deliver the transition seamlessly and in time for BAU to resume the following working day with no impact to business processes or downtime required.
Key Customer Benefits
- Increased network security
- Increased data centre connectivity resiliency
- Cost savings by avoiding unnecessary hardware purchases
- Reduced lead time for changes
- Zero impact to business processes or downtime
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